Browse Publications Technical Papers 2003-01-2018

Influence of Thermo-Denuder Dimensions on Nano-particle Measurement 2003-01-2018

The use of a Thermo-Denuder (TD) is proposed to suppress the nano-particle measurement fluctuations caused by the volatile components in the available techniques. The problems encountered during the use of thermo-denuder for nano-particle measurement and their respective solutions are suggested. The behavior of nano-particles in the TD itself is not clearly understood but the thermo-denuder influences both the volatile and solid particles. As a first report, only the effect of TD dimension on solid nano-particle measurements is presented. It is concluded that the TD influences the nano-particles i.e. loss of particles occurs even the sample gas contains no volatile fractions. A sharp temperature gradient between the low temperature wall of the absorption part of TD and hot sample gas causes particle losses due to thermophoresis effect. Especially the smaller particles are affected significantly. To solve the above problems related with the measurement of nano-particle with TD some cautions have been suggested.


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