Browse Publications Technical Papers 2003-01-2192

Simulation of Human-Vehicle Interaction in Vehicle Design at Saab Automobile: Present and Future 2003-01-2192

Developers, reviewers and users of human simulation tools claim that the use of these tools may reduce development time and development cost. However, before these benefits will be fully visible, there are some barriers to overcome. The aims of this case study are to identify which departments at Saab Automobile use some sort of human simulation tool today, and to identify the information flow and procedure when the tool is used. Four departments crash safety, packaging, production planning and vehicle ergonomics were identified as direct users of human simulation tools. The tools used were finite element with crash dummy representation, SAE human model, Safework and Ramsis. Communications between human simulation tool users are limited. Communications are done through the project management. The crash safety and packaging departments have formal descriptions of the human simulation process, whereas production planning and vehicle ergonomics have no formal process descriptions. To gain from the benefits of human simulation tools, Saab Automobile needs to adapt them to the organization and the organization to the tools. Integration of a working methodology is essential for effective and efficient use in the other human simulation departments where this is currently lacking.


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