Browse Publications Technical Papers 2003-01-3153

Quantitative 2-D Gas Concentration Measurement by Laser-Beam Scanning Technique with Combination of Absorption and Fluorescense 2003-01-3153

In order to measure the spatial distribution of fuel jet concentration quantitatively, a technique combining methods of fluorescence with absorption was developed. LIF method can obtain the spatial fuel distribution qualitatively, but quantitative measurement is difficult. Meanwhile, laser-beam absorption method can quantitatively obtain the integrated jet concentration on the light-path. In addition, scanning the laser-beam allows for a quasi 2-D quantitative measurement of the jet concentration. Firstly, in this study, this measurement system was tested in a homogeneously charged field while varying the dopant NO2 concentration, the laser-beam scanning speed, and the ambient pressure. As a result, some data-correction techniques were developed to produce a quantitative measurement. Secondly, this system was applied to gaseous jet fields in a constant volume bomb. Harnessing the data-correction techniques, quasi 2-D measurements of the gas concentration were successfully obtained even in a transonic jet velocity condition.


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