
The First Digital Automotive Diagnostic System-Autosense 760144

Conventional methods of vehicle problem diagnosis have become ineffective in the present day automotive service industry. Skilled mechanics are being promoted to levels of supervision and those remaining are finding their knowledge and experience are rapidly becoming outdated with the increasing complexity of motor vehicles. Test equipment is being obsoleted by the development of radically new vehicle systems and introduction of government regulation of vehicle performance. The driving public is faced with a decline in automotive service quality accompanied by steadily rising service costs. The purpose of this paper is to describe a new approach to vehicle test and diagnosis, the first digital Automotive diagnostic system - AutosenseR.
The AutosenseR Computerized Digital Diagnostic System is designed to assist mechanics, at all skill levels, test and diagnose today's newest vehicles. The System can run individual tests, and thus be used by the mechanics as a tool, or automatically step the mechanic through a sequence of tests to diagnose a specific vehicle problem, totally check a vehicle or its individual systems. The System compares actual vehicle performance to manufacturer's vehicle specifications and provides the mechanic with recommended repairs. The system also provides the mechanic and the customer with a hard-copy print-out of all tests performed, the actual vehicle specifications and all recommended repairs. This paper describes the AutosenseR Computerized Digital Diagnostic System.


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