Browse Publications Technical Papers 2022-01-0204

Performance Analysis of Electrical Vehicle Battery Thermal Management System 2022-01-0204

Interest in electric vehicles (EVs) has significantly increased from the last decade, as the whole world is concerned about the reduction of emission of greenhouse gas by reducing the use of fossil fuel in transportation. The primary issue for electric vehicles is to develop an energy storage system i.e battery that can enable high mileage, rapid charging, and high-performance driving. Hence, battery management is required to get maximum, safe, and consistent performance of electric vehicles when running in a variety of conditions. To get the most out of a battery, it's important to keep an eye on its operating conditions, especially temperature, which has been shown to have a direct impact on battery performance and life. So, a battery thermal management system (BTMS) is crucial in the control of the thermal behavior of the battery. A good system simulation tool can minimize the time and cost of designing such a complicated thermal management system. A simulation model also needs to be able to easily synchronize with simulation programs of the vehicle and be useful in assessing different control strategies. In this study, we built and simulated a more general and popular BTMS system using MATLAB/Simulink. The specification of the battery and BTMS system is selected based on the case study of popular electric vehicles in the market and previous literature studied. The simulation result shows the battery temperature variation and energy consumption at various operating conditions of the vehicles. The simulation result shows that for an electric car, BTMS is very crucial for the management and control of the thermal behavior of the battery. For the more comprehensive and precise study of the thermal behavior of batteries, this study proposed further investigation be made using computational fluid dynamics models and thermo-electric models using OpenFOAM.


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